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Description: udp协议下套接字编程-udp socket programming
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 卢凤晖 | Hits:


Description: 这是linux下关于C的编程,其中包含了socket的几种用法的例子,有udp、tcp以及select的使用。-under linux on the C programming, which includes a socket several examples of usage, udp, tcp and select use.
Platform: | Size: 571392 | Author: 钟文德 | Hits:


Description: socket实例。网络编程初级入门知识,已经调试通过的。-socket examples. Network Programming primary portal of knowledge, has been adopted by the debugger.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王正大 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackLinux_Socket

Description: Linux TCP/IP编程,—基于BSD Socket 1.1,应用Socket函数实现网络功能;UDP应用举例;-Linux TCP/IP programming- based on the BSD Socket 1.1, Application Socket function realize network functions UDP applications, for example
Platform: | Size: 54272 | Author: auleaf | Hits:


Description: Linux下C++ Socket类,包括TCP,、UDP这两种基本协议。 -Linux under the C++ Socket categories, including TCP,, UDP both basic agreement.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 小强 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacksocket

Description: 这个是一个在linux平台下的一个socket服务端与客户端的一两个程序,基于的是UDP数据报协议的无连接socket-This is a linux platform in a socket server and client program 12, is based on UDP Datagram Protocol without connecting socket
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: TK | Hits:


Description: TCP/IP编程的基础--socket 包括C/JAVA TCP/UDP 服务端和客户端 六套代码,供新人学习、老人测试联调用 支持win32 Linux(JAVA版本的需要自己新增JDK)-TCP/IP programming basis- socket including C/JAVA TCP/UDP server and client six sets of code for the new study, elderly test joint call to support win32 Linux (JAVA version of the need to add JDK)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 冯进荣 | Hits:


Description: 基于BSD C的socket编程 采用udp协议,类似两个进程通信的聊天程序 压缩包包含两个文件,编译后运行是两个不同的聊天进程 运行环境linux -BSD C based on the socket programming using udp agreement, similar to the two processes communications chat program package consists of two documents, compiled to run two different operating environment to chat process linux
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhiguoxu | Hits:


Description: tcp udp socket 网络编程 linux-tcp udp socket network programming linux
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: uleone | Hits:


Description: linux下面实现的socket网络编程。可以实现多客户端联机server的功能。-linux following the realization of the socket network programming. Can be achieved online multi-client server functionality.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 孙帮山 | Hits:


Description: Socket接口是TCP/IP网络的API,Socket接口定义了许多函数或例程,程序员可以用它们来开发TCP/IP网络上的应用程序。要学Internet上的TCP/IP网络编程,必须理解Socket接口。     Socket接口设计者最先是将接口放在Unix操作系统里面的。如果了解Unix系统的输入和输出的话,就很容易了解Socket了。网络的 Socket数据传输是一种特殊的I/O,Socket也是一种文件描述符。Socket也具有一个类似于打开文件的函数调用Socket(),该函数返 回一个整型的Socket描述符,随后的连接建立、数据传输等操作都是通过该Socket实现的。常用的Socket类型有两种:流式Socket (SOCK_STREAM)和数据报式Socket(SOCK_DGRAM)。流式是一种面向连接的Socket,针对于面向连接的TCP服务应用;数据 报式Socket是一种无连接的Socket,对应于无连接的UDP服务应用。-Socket interface is TCP/IP network API, Socket Interface defines a number of functions or routines, the programmer can use them to develop TCP/IP network applications. Study on the Internet want TCP/IP network programming, we must understand the Socket Interface. Socket Interface Designer is the first interface on the Unix operating system inside. If you know Unix system input and output, then it is easy to understand the Socket. Socket data transmission network is a special kind of I/O, Socket is a file descriptor. Socket also has a similar function call to open the file of the Socket (), the function return an integer of Socket descriptor, then the connection set up, data transmission and other operations through the implementation of the Socket. Socket type commonly used in two ways: streaming Socket (SOCK_STREAM) and data reported type Socket (SOCK_DGRAM). Streaming is a connection-oriented Socket, for in the TCP connection-oriented service applications Datagram Socket t
Platform: | Size: 1406976 | Author: 陈威 | Hits:


Description: socket 分别以tcp,udp两种方式通信的代码。 同一套代码,依靠不同的makefile文件,分别编译出在windows环境、linux环境、Android环境下的执行文件。-socket respectively tcp, udp communication code in two ways. The same set of code, relying on a different makefile files, respectively, lies in the windows environment to compile, linux environment, Android environment execute the file.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 孙涛 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stacktcs.c

Description: 实现UDP传输 for linux udp socket -for linux udp socket
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 大彬 | Hits:


Description: Linux下的SOCKET通信程序,包括TCP通信范例和UDP通信范例,修改Makefile文件可在PC平台或者嵌入式平台上运行-Linux Socket communications programs, including TCP and UDP traffic communication paradigm, paradigm, modify the Makefile file can be run in an embedded platform
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 沧海一笑 | Hits:


Description: linux下套接字编程实例,使用TCP和UDP两种通讯方式,适合初学者-socket programming under linux which is useful for the beginning student
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 孙超 | Hits:


Description: linux socket 编程 常用函数 及 tcp udp源码-linux socket 编程
Platform: | Size: 541696 | Author: simba | Hits:


Description: linux网络编程实例,讲解了一些udp tcp的socket编程,有select的例子-linux network programming examples to explain some of the udp tcp socket programming, there are select examples of
Platform: | Size: 571392 | Author: yzh | Hits:


Description: 通过UDP和select函数来实现非阻塞的通话机制,已达到客户端之间的通讯-Through the UDP and select functions to achieve non-blocking call mechanism, has reached the communication between the client
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 方言 | Hits:


Description: 本资料提供丰富的Linux操作系统下网络编程示例源代码,包括进程通信实现方式、并行处理、Socket架构,以及网络应用如TCP、UDP、等-This information provides a wealth of network programming under Linux operating system source code examples, including the implementation process of communication, parallel processing, Socket architecture, and network applications such as TCP, UDP, etc.
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: 吴文 | Hits:


Description: LinuxSocket通信时支持UDP、TCP定时发送接收的工具(LinuxSocket communication, support UDP, TCP, send and receive the tool regularly)
Platform: | Size: 5171200 | Author: wandy927 | Hits:
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